India's moon mission Chandaryaan-3, become fourth in the world after china.

On day 14th July 2023 india created history after America,Russia and China to achive this feat and become fourth country who landed mission successfully .The mission aim to achieve  what's it predecessor could not achieved . After failed of  chandaryaan-2 mission the objective of mission remain the same ,Scientists at Indian space research organization (ISRO) have learnt from previous mission. The landers design was improved after a series of test to see how it performs under various circumstances, such as inability to reach landing spot ,failure of electronics or sensors ,the velocity being higher than the required, among others . 
                Pc:Hindustan Times 

This whole process likely to take around 42 days ,With landing slated for August 23 at lunar dawn .Lunar days and nights last for 24 days . As far as landing site is concerned it's has been moved slightly from the previous location on a plateau between two creators .
The change in current mission has been made on the basis of  picture captured in the previous mission chandaryan-2 which have provided very clear map of the moon .

Changes in the mission-3

ISRO chairperson S Somnath recently said that the changes in the current mission were "failure based" .He also said that instead of "success based design in chandaryan-2 "we are doing failure based design in chandaryaan-3 and looking at what can go wrong and how to deal with it . 
During the chandaryaan-2 ,the lander and rover had crashed on the moon instead of landing softly on it . 

Explaining the reason for it ,Somnath said the main issues was that the five engineers on the lander developed a slightly higher thrust than  expected. The lander had to click picture to determine the landing site ,remaining stable during the period ,the error accumulated . When the course correction began ,the space craft needed to turn very fast  but it's ability to turn was limited by it's software. 

What unique in chandaryaan-3 

Lander (1749.86 kg ) 
Rover (26 kg ) 
propulsion module (2145 kg ) 
 Experiment on board : same experiment on lander and rover as chandaryan-2

Mission Life : 
  1.propulsion module - 3 to 6 months 
  2. Lander and rover -1 Lunar day 

Landing site 
69.36 degree S,32.34 degree E,
Slightly off of the site for chandaryan-2. 

Indian space research organization (ISRO) is the national space agency of India, situated at Banglore ,Karnataka .It operates under the department of space (DOS) which is directly came under the guidance of Hon'ble prime minister of India while chairman of ISRO act as executive of DOS as well .


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