India want peace at wagah-Attari border onward 1947


Wagah-Attari Zero Point

Lahore and amritsar were the prominent cities and trade centres of the then undivided punjab. 
Wagah-Attari border is the land of  peace since 1947 . These two village are the part Lahore in pakistan side and Amritsar in indian side . After independence and partition of india this check post had been established . Both the nation had signed Mou for this check post . except the sunday every day beating retreat ceremony is held . Many tourist including foreigner visit at this place from both country

                                                           Cultural program at Indian Side 

Attari village was the home village of sardar sham singh Attariwala , one of the Generals in the Army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.Village wagah was the Jagir of Jagirdar Sham singh of Attari.Beating retreat ceremony was started in 1959 and it was agreed by the govt of both the countriesin 1947.Indian army take the responsibilites of of ensuring the security of joint check post situated on NH--1 which Join both the countires . 

Now Days Border Security Force in indian side and Pakistan Rangers in pakistan side manage  this Joint check post . 
